과거 기사 읽기

46 최애는 지피원닷컴부터 뒤진다… 그런데 사이트 자체 검색에서 우치오의 풀네임을 쓰면 검색결과가 없고 살루치를 써도 한자리수 나오고 우치오를 써야 결과가 제일 많이 나오는데 이거 어떻게 된거야ㅋㅋㅋ

일단 우치오가 팀디렉터가 됐더라… 46이 빠지니까 우치오가 고정으로 들어가는구나….

MotoGP, Uccio Salucci aiming for the podium and the official team with Marini

46이 자기 크루들 데려간다는 건 2021년 10월 시점에도 결정된 일 같은데

MotoGP, Valentino Rossi retires, taking along his key men to the VR46 team

모토2 팀매니저로 다비데 브리비오 아들인 루카 브리비오까지 들어가서 아는 이름 천지라 재입덕한 나는 놀랐어요…
덧붙여서 다비데 브리비오는 엪원 알핀으로, 예전에 페라리에 있던 마시모 리볼라는 아프릴리아로 갔더라. 달리냐는 한참 전에 두카티로 갔고….


Moto3, Rossi: we’ve failed with Fenati, it’s over

2016년 기사. 페나티가 지금은 반성을 하고 있는지는 모르지만 (사실 나는 페나티 데뷔시즌 카타르전부터 봤기 때문에 정말 기대했던 선수였고 걔가 한 짓을 나중에 알고 너무 실망해서 알고 싶지도 않은 것이 솔직한 기분이다) 걔가 한 일은 스포츠선수로서 선을 넘은 행동이었고, 데뷔시즌 미사노전에서 경기 외적으로 지역 경찰이랑 트러블 있었다는 기사를 봤던 기억부터 났음… 그때는 10대라 욱하는 성질을 보여도 어리다는 변명이라도 할 수 있지 20대가 되어서 트랙위에서 다른 선수 방해하는—이라는 말도 약하다—건 아니잖아…. 그런데 그게 최애네 팀에 있으면서 그랬다니까 그냥

이 부분이 너무 속상함…

“I don’t hink he can race with us at Brno – he confirms – It’s not a decision that has been taken lightly and I don’t think we can change our decision. We hope to succeed where others had failed: we wanted to help Romano show his full potential and become a professional. It didn’t go to plan”.

The final straw appears to have been a heated argument with Uccio Salucci. But Rossi will not reveal any of the details.

“Sometimes Romano will flip out, the problem is that it keeps happening every 3 or 4 races. It’s like starting over each time, nothing ever changes”, he concludes.

근데 이거 본 이후에 이아노네가 페나티 매니저가 되었고, 비아지네 팀에서 모토3 복귀했다는 걸 알게되어서 여러모로 도대체 왜…???? 라는 생각만 들었다…. 내가 이탈리안들한테 약하긴 하지만 그 둘??? 뭐 비아지가 선수로 데려간 건 그렇다고쳐 근데 이아노네가 매니저?????


MotoGP, Uccio: “Bagnaia and Morbidelli will race and won’t let Valentino get in their way”

2019년 기사

페코랑 프랑코 얘기하면서 걔네도 다 컸다고 말하는 이 부분도 좋았는데

“Pecco and Franco will certainly not let Vale get in their way, given that each will follow their own path,” stated Salucci. “We’ll obviously ask him(문맥상 them인것 같기도 하고…?) to be respectful on the track, perhaps avoiding risky or useless moves. When we founded the Academy, we were expecting this situation to arise. Yet, at the same time, it’s useful, since this means that we have worked well and have grown.”

루카 얘기하면서 루카는 발렌티노 동생이라 압박 속에서 태어난 애지만 그걸 최선의 방법으로 대처할 수 있는 능력을 가지고 있다고 믿는다는 부분이 넘 좋았음

The spotlight will be on Marini.

“Luca was born under pressure, since he is Valentino’s brother. But he has always had the ability to deal with it in the best way possible, and I think this is evident.”


MotoGP, Guareschi to Rossi: “Valentino, if you’re having fun, keep racing.”

2020년 기사.

혼다와 마르케스 얘기하는 부분인데, 비토가 두카티에 있었을 때도 스토너밖에 우승한 선수가 없었지만 누가 이기냐보다 이기는 게 중요하다는 팀 입장에서의 의견이 잘 보여서 흥미로웠음

Speaking of Marquez, his four-year contract with Honda also surprised Vittoriano. “Two years are already a lot. It basically means that he wants to end his career there,” he said.

Of course, every team would have wanted to secure him. But then there are also those who say that Honda became his slave, especially since they’re only competitive with him. Guareschi disagrees with this.

“Who cares who wins in the end? Even during those years when I was with Ducati, only Stoner won, but what’s important is winning,” is what Vittoriano believes. “If you then have to create a custom-made motorbike for a certain rider, the company has do it.”

MotoGP, Uccio: “Rossi’s 2021 season remains a puzzle, Stoner his toughest rival”

이거 되게 마음에 드는 포인트가 많았던 우치오 인터뷰인데ㅋㅋㅋ 일단 제일 인상적이었던 라이벌 언급하는 부분

99년부터 2004년은 즐거운 기억이었어요, 빠른 이탈리안들이 많았던 시기라 그게 아카데미에 영감을 주기도 했어요

Which opponents were the most impressive?

“Biaggi was the most fun as opponent, there was respect despite some disagreements on the track. I remember the years from ’99 to 2004 with pleasure: there were many fast Italians and with the Academy we take a bit of inspiration from that period. His strongest opponent? I would say Stoner: he was a crystalline talent difficult to decipher, capable of getting his time down by a second from Saturday to Sunday. It was not easy to beat him; in fact, he too beat us several times”.

자기가 좀 더 resentful type이라는 것도 의외인데 예전에도 자기같은 사람들은 많았지만 내가 처음이라는 이미지가 너무 크다, 라이더들이 도와줄 친구를 데려오면 그걸 누구누구네 우치오라고 부르는게 미소를 짓게 한다는 부분 넘 귀여움ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Let’s come back to the present. Are there ever any disagreements between you and Valentino?

“There are some small clashes at times, but on the other hand, my role is also to tell him what I don’t think is good. They are normal things; however, there have been heated discussions but after ten minutes things have always settled down, especially on his part because I am more of a resentful type”.

However, a lot of people say that in some way you invented a job for yourself…

“Not really because before Valentino also others like Biaggi had a figure like me alongside them, but the image that I was the first to do such a thing has remained in time. Now all the riders have a friend at their side who supports and helps them, and hearing these guys called ‘so-and-so’s Uccio’ makes me smile “.

그리고 로리랑 니코B가 아카데미에서 떠났다고 하는데, 좋은 관계로 남는게 중요하다고 강조하는게 위에 링크건 페나티 관련 기사 생각나서 넘 씁쓸했음

How do you view the fact that Baldassarri and Bulega left instead?

“The important thing is to leave on good terms and we still hear from each other a lot. I’ve liked Nicolò since he was a child and I was among the first to gamble on him, unfortunately he wasn’t as quick as we hoped but it can be like that: now I see him all stoked so I hope he can have a good season. Baldassarri wanted some things that we couldn’t give him, but as I said, the important thing is to leave on good terms “.